SOTA VK1 and VK2 status

The SOTA registration for VK1 has been submitted to the SOTA Management Team (MT) and is under consideration and review with them. The hope is to have SOTA-VK1 operating by the end of summer. There are a number of keen operators wanting to participate in SOTA in VK1.

For VK2 I have agreed to coordinate surveys for the summits in VK2. Jack VK2AXL has surveyed almost 90 summits in the mid north coast area (Coffs Hbr and southwards) and Wayne VK3WAM has surveyed summits in the Snowy Mts area. Ian VK1DI has documented some summits in the south coast region from the border northwards to Narooma. Software has been written by Brenton Schulz VK2MEV to identify potential summits and this should make the process a lot faster.

For anyone interested in SOTA and wanting to connect with others, there is a Yahoo group for SOTA in Australia. The link is and you don’t need to have a yahoo id to join the mailing list, but it is recommended as it lets you look at shared files, photos and a database showing progress towards documenting summits.