Mt Cowangerong and Mt Gillamatong 20th Feb 2021

Wade VK1MIC and I decided on a joint activation of these two summits. we started at Mt Cowangerong VK2/ST-001 and operated firstly on 144 and 1296 MHz, making contacts back into Canberra through the foliage on the mountain top. Then 3.5 mhz ssb and cw contacts were made with VK2IO and several others including ZL1BYZ on 20m.

I made sure of making 4 cw contacts to be able to add this summit to my CW activation score.

We then packed up and headed east towards Braidwood where Mt Gillamatong is nearby. As a first for me, we parked on the northwest side of the hill and walked up the service road. My impression was that this was a longer walk than the easterly access was. It was a hot day.

Eucalypt near the car parking spot… large and had a number of birds in it
On the way up the hill, we stopped for a break, it was hot and dry
Part of the hillside to our right
The pole carrying a 2m antenna. Guying ring made from chopping board
Wade was making a video so I made one of him. Still saved from video
Local wildlife, an insect which found my paddle fascinating. A bug on a bug?

My log for this activation showed 11 contacts, starting with two contacts on 146 FM with Andrew VK1AD and Dimitris VK2COW. Then the rest of my contacts were on HF bands. Apart from one SSB contact with VK1MA, the HF contacts were on CW. Four on 3.5 MHz, two on 7 MHz and two on 14 MHz. Another few points for the CW activation score.

Wade recorded some video which I attempted to mess with, by recording my own video of him recording me. Finally we packed up and went down to the main street of Braidwood where we enjoyed some coffee and snacks at the bakery.